27th November – 2nd December 2018

27th November – 2nd December 2018

December 4, 2018 Golf Results 0


On Tuesday we had 49 ladies playing Stableford  with Division 1 won by Rhonda Constable with 41pts followed by Bobette Wilkinson 40. Susan Bull was the Division 2 winner with 38pts runner up went to Susan Davies with 36.. Division 3 was won by Nat Beard who had 37 pts on c/back from Elizabeth Thorburn. NTP’s went to Gayle Edwards 14th, Jancye Brown 18th, Nat Beard Pro Pin $68..

Wenesday 28th saw 109 men playing Stableford from the blue markers with Division 1 going to Stephen Piggott with 40 pts followed by David Young with 39pts, Fred Rossborough was the Division 2 winner with 38pts runner up was John Bradbury 37.. Division 3 went to Barry Wilson 41pts followed by Warren Constable 40pts. John Harmer took out Division 4 with 40pts Runner up went to Matthew Wilson 39pts. NTP’s went to Norm Brosnan 2nd, Adam Purtill 8th,  Barry Wilson Pro Pin $115.00. Mens Gold Winner was Allan Penny on c/back from Walter Atkins..

Saturday 1st saw 57 men and 49 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Brian Morgan who had 39 pts followed by Malcolm Hart 38.. Division 2 was won by Jim Williams who had 43 pts  Wayne Youlton was runner up  with 39pts. Jeffrey Conrad was the Division 3 winner with 42 pts on c/back from Brian Rooney  Mens Gold Winner was Alan Penny with 39 pts Ladies Division 1 winner was Robyn Conrick who had 39 pts followed by Susan Davies 36.. Vicki Kelly took out Division 2 with 40 pts Runner up was Marlene Bailey 38pts. NTP’s went to Dianne Dungan 2nd, Adorree Bailey 17th.

Sunday 2nd saw 7 ladies playing Stroke with Helen Crilly taking the win with 76 on c/back from Cheryl Hart.. 47 men played Stroke Monthly Medal that saw Division 1 Gross winner going to Michael Cooper 77, Grade winner was Stephen Conrick 70. Runner up was Dan Gilmore 72. Division 2 Gross, Grade and Monthly Medal was Peter Stokes Snr with 89/69 Runner up was Bennie Benbow with 71. NTP’s went to Peter Stokes Snr 18th, Peter Quirk 2nd, Eagles Nest Michael Cooper Caps 12.. Sunday was the start of our pennant season with the Scratch  side played at Jubilee and went town 4/1. Our 4bbb side played at Yarrawonga and went down 3/1/1/2.

Editorial by Jim Williams…