We offer a range of Membership options from Social Memberships to Golf & Bowls sports memberships.
Becoming a member is easy! Each member is entitled to all benefits of a social member.
For only $5 you enter into a very active and welcoming membership group, while receiving all the benefits of being a member at Tocumwal!
All members receive the following benefits;
*Must visit the clubhouse on your birthday to redeem $10 Birthday Voucher
Golf & Go Membership
(18-40 age group)
A great membership to obtain for golfers between the ages of 18 and 40 and live within an 80km radius of Tocumwal who are looking to give golf a go.
*FULL membership category for 18 to 40 year-olds with the yearly subscription price applicable until the member turns 41.
Introductory Bowls
A membership category for first time members of the club. This membership is the equivalent of a full membership but without voting rights or eligibility to play in Club Championships, Pennant or Board Events.
This introductory price is for the first year of membership.
Introductory Golf
A membership category for first time members of the club. This membership is the equivalent of a full membership but without voting rights or eligibility to play in Club Championships or Board Events.
This introductory price is for the first year of membership.
Golf & Bowls Membership
The membership for the keen golfer and bowler!
7 day playing rights, Handicap maintenance, Eligible to receive reciprocal rights with our reciprocal clubs, Eligible to play in Club, Pennant & Social events, Eligible to vote at club meetings, Eligible to be elected as a Board Member.
(includes $80 Clubhouse credit)
Golf Membership
A premium golf membership option that provides a great
range of benefits for the keen golfer.
7 day playing rights, Handicap maintenance, Eligible to receive reciprocal rights with our reciprocal
clubs, Eligible to play in Club, Pennant & Social events, Eligible to vote at club meetings, Eligible to be elected as a Board Member.
(includes $80 Clubhouse credit)
Bowls Membership
A bowls membership gives access bowling greens, catering for all levels of bowls.
7 day playing rights, Eligible to play in Club, Pennant & Social events,
Eligible to vote at club meetings, Eligible to be elected as a Board Member.
(includes $80 Clubhouse credit)
Country Golf Membership Over 80km
Available to those that live outside an 80km radius of
Club Tocumwal.
7 day playing rights and Handicap maintenance.
Not eligible for club board events.
Golf Country Membership Under 80km
Available to those that live outside the 2714 postcode but within 80km &
have their home club & handicap maintained at another club.
7 day playing rights,
Not eligible for club board events.
Junior Membership
Available to persons under 18 years of age wishing to play golf and/or bowls.
This is where it all begins!