30th July – 4th August 2019
30th July saw 39 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Helen Crilly with 36 pts. Runner up was Bobette Wilkinson with 33 pts. Maree Doyle was the DIVISION 2 winner with 35 pts. followed by Anne Freestone with 30 pts. NTP’s went to Rhonda Constable 2nd, Jill Collins was the 14th, Pro Pin went to Jean Somerville $39.00..
July 31st saw 75 members playing Stableford with Division 1 won by Ray Watmore with a great score of 40 pts off a handicap of 3.0.Runner up was Michael Cooper 38…Phillip Cheesewright was the DIVISION 2 winner with 38 pts followed by Ricky Bourke with 37 Division 3 was won by Bruce Stubblety 39 pts. Alan Michalowsky was runner up with 38. NTP’s went to Paul Olsen 8th, Philip Lovelace 2nd, Pro Pin went to Neville Attril $79. Mens Gold Winner was. Graeme Sharp with who had 35 pts Runner up was Ronald Eaton 34.
Saturday 3rd August saw 31 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 won by Di Mitchell with 37 pts on c/back from Gale Tyers. Division 2 was won by
Gayle Blakey who had 35 pts with runner up going to Ann Clement 34.. NTP went to Gayle Blakey.
48 men played Stableford with Division 1 won by Paul Olsen 38 with runner up going to Tommy Keogh 36.. Wayne Youlten was the DIVISION 2 winner with 33 pts on c/back from Dooley Agushi (Rosanna GC) Division 3 winner was Alan Michalowsky who had 33 pts. Runner up went to Neville Attrill with 32 pts.
NTP went to John Henry 2nd, Peter Bolt 17th.. Mens Gold Winner was Kevin Morey with 40 pts followed by Alan Penny 33.
On 4th August 13 ladies played Stroke with Val Way more taking the win with 73 followed by Bobette Wilkinson also 73. NTP went to Bobette Wilkinson as well.
64 members played Mens Monthly – Medal with Division 1 Gross going to Peter Bolt 73..Grade and Monthly Medal winner was Murray Chapman 66. Runner up was Malcolm Dickson 70. Division 2 Gross and runner up was Albert Adams 86 / 70..Grade winner was Philip Cheeswright 69. Division 3 Gross and Grade Winner was John Washbrook 93 / 75. Runner up was Ian McFarlane 75..NTP/s went to Michael Cooper 2nd, Allan de Luca 18th. Mens Gold Monthly Medal stroke winner was Graeme Sharp 74..Runner up was Douglas McCelland 78.
Editorial by Jim Williams from Kinka beach QLD.