13th – 18th October 2020
Tuesday 13th saw the ladies playing Irish 4 Ball Shot Gun with the winners being S.Williams, R. Taverna, Ros Seymour, S. Desailly with 127 pts, Runners up were J. Brown, N. Whiteford, M. Murdoch, R. Dell’oro with 123 pts..
Wednesday 14th saw 110 members playing Stableford from the white markers that saw Division 1 going to Michael Cooper with 38 pts..Runner up went to Stephen Piggott with 37 pts.. Division 2 went to Michael Keen with 41 pts..John Henry was runner up with 40 pts..Kevin Keating was the
DIVISION 3 winner with 40 pts.. Runner up was Douglas Beckwith 39 pts..
Division 4 Winner was Billy Greig with 36 pts..Runner up went to Alan Michalowsky with 32 pts..Eagles Nest went to Caleb Bovalina with his
EAGLE on the 3rd Pres…
Mens Stableford Gold winner was Ronald Eaton with 34 pts..Runner up went to Laurence Rickard with 32 pts..
Saturday 17 saw 28 ladies playing Par with Division 1 going to Margaret Murphy w with 2 up..Division 2 went to Susan Davies with 0..Gold winner was Cherryl Rossborough with -1
51 Men played Par with Division 1 going to John Thompson with 1 up,,Runner up went to Carl Van Deist with – 1.. Division 2 went to Peter Webb with 4 up.. Allan De Luca was runner up with 2 up..Ed Brown was the DIVISION 3 winner with 2 up..Runners up went to Bruce Cavanaugh with 1 up..
Sunday Oct 18th saw 7 Ladies playing Stableford with Jean Somerville the winner with 33 pts…
74 men played Stableford on Sunday with Division 1 going to Devin Wilson with 39 pts..Adam Purtill was runner up with 38 pts..Division 2 was won by Ian Cameron with 40 pts, Terry McMahon was runner up with 38 pts..Division 3 went to Philip Cheesewright with 35 pts.. Douglas Carney was runner up with 34 pts.
Editorial by Jim Williams…