18th – 23rd June 2019
Tuesday 18th saw 21 pairs of ladies playing Foursomes Stableford – Doris Chambers with the winning pair being Jennie Hehir and Sandra Williams who had 38 pts 2nd place was won by Sharon Pyle and Julie O’Brien with 37. NTP’s went to Di Mitchell & Maree Doyle 2nd, Robyn Taverna & Jan Taylor 8th, Susan Davies & Dianne Dungan 14th, Carol Irvine & Beverley Campbell 18th.
Wednesday 19th saw 101 men playing Stableford from the white markers with Division 1 going to Keith Finkelde (Latrobe GC) with 35 pts followed by Kevin (Anzac) Waller 34. Matthew Geisler was the Division 2 winner with 39 pts followed by Jim Williams with 37. Division 3 went to Joe Sacco 38 pts R/up was Bernard Clements 37. Lindsay Jones was the Division 4 winner who had 34 pts with Spencer Rutherford 33 pts. NTP’s went to Benjamin Taylor 2nd, Robert Ryan 14th, Ian Cameron Pro Pin $104. Men’s Gold winner was Graeme Sharp 34 followed by Ronald Eaton 31.
Saturday 22nd saw 36 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Petra Wilmot with 37 pts on c/back from Julie O’Brien. Beverley Campbell was the Division 2 winner with 35 pts Marian Ayers was r/up 33. NTPs went to Kaye Sutton 2nd, Susan Hawe 17th. 44 men played Stableford from the white markers with Division 1 going to Malcolm Hart with 39 pts followed by Michael Cooper with 38. Brian Dare was the Division 2 winner with 37pts Ross Clark was 2nd with 37, Kevin Morey was the Division 3 winner with 41pts. Vene Mitchell was r/up 40. Men’s Gold Winner was A23rd saw Allan Penny 36.
Sunday 23rd saw 14 ladies and 66 men playing Stableford with ladies’ win going to Helen Crilly with 34 pts, NTP went to Julie Penny 2nd. Men’s Division 1 winner was Ben Kerr with 38. r/u went o Malcolm McKenna 37. Paul Aston took out Division 2 with 38 followed by Norm Brosnan 37. Vene Mitchell was the Division 3 winner with 39 pts runner up went to Ron Denning 38. NTP’s went to Nev Finn 14th, David Purtill 2nd. Men’s Gold went to Ronald Eaton 34 followed by Graeme Sharp 33. Men’s winter pennant results at Tocumwal against Shepparton were Phil Cheesewright 2 up, Rod Buchmasser won 19th, John Bradley lost 3/2, Jordan Bovalina won 8/7, Shane Halloran lost on 20th.
Editorial by Jim Williams.