6th – 10th November 2019
6th November saw 9 ladies playing Stableford with Cheryl Hart who had 35 pts..NTP went to Cheryl Hart also..
Melbourne Cup Day On 5th November had a teams event with J. And C Irvine Irvine B Clements and S Williams taking the win with 89 pts.We had 65 members playing Mens Stableford with Division 1Going to Jason Buchanan with 39 pts followed by Scott Turner with 37 pts,,Division 2 winner was Bernard Clements who had 41 pts..Runner up went to Ben Elwin with 38 pts.Peter O’Brien was the DIVISION 3 winner with 39pts Runner up went to Ronald Loversidge with 33 pts.. NTP,s went to Peter Webb on the 8th.. Greg Brooks 14th, Scott Turner 17th..Ladies Winners were Marie McLennan with 36 pts on c/back from Nola Stacey..Jan Taylor was the DIVISION 2 winner with 43 pts followed by Margaret Fergus with 37..Anne Brown was the DIVISION 3 winner with 37 pts followed by Trudy Pressnell 33,,NTP,s went to Nola Stacy 2nd, Jennifer Webb 8th, Dawn Eden 14th, Denise Huy 17th..
Wednesday 6 saw 9 ladies playing Stableford with Cheryl Hart taking the win with 35 pts.. Cheryl also had NTP on the 18th..
101 members played Stableford on Wednesday 6th with Division 1 won by Brad Davey with 38 pts on c/back from Malcolm Hart..Bruce McCallum was the DIVISION 2 winner with 39 pts.. Runner up went to Noddy Ireland with 36 pts..Geoffrey Gartner was the Division 3 winner with 41 pts..followed by Terry McMahon with 40 pts.. Division 4 winner was Billy Greig with 35 pts Runner up was Greg Hermes with 34. NTP,s went to Shane Halloran 2nd, Neville Smith 14th..
Mens Gold winner was Graeme Sharp with 42 pts Runner up was Allan Penny 36.
Saturday 9th saw 49 ladies playing Par with Michelle Purtill winning Division 1 with 1 up on C/back from Susan Pappas.. Division 2 was won by Sue Lawson with sq.. On sq was Elizabeth Muir. NTP.s were Anne Beveridge 2nd ..Gale Byers 18th..
61 members also played Par with Division 1 going to Denis Glanville with 2 up..Runner up was Kevin Waller with sq..Philip Dungan was the Division 2 winner with 1 up followed by Brian Dare sq..Division 3 was won by Kevin Cooper with a great score of 6 up.. Runner up was Geoff Portbury with 2 up..NTP,s went to Tommy Keogh 2nd.. Jim Williams 18th..Mens Gold went to Kevin Morey 1 up..
Sunday 10 saw 10 ladies playing Stableford with Nat Beard the winner with 36 pts.. Jo Boak had NTP 2nd,,
63 members played Stableford with Division 1 going to Adam Purtill with 41 pts followed by Geoffrey Quick with 40 pts. Division 2 was won by Hugo Jankov with39 pts John Simm was runner up with 37 pts.. Gerry Lawson was the Division 3 winner with 33 pts with Ian McFarlane runner up with 31..Ntp,s went to John Bradbury 2nd,,Geoffrey Quick 17th…
Mens Gold went to Kevin Morey with 1 up..
Editorial by Jim Williams (Media Rep)