24th – 29th November 2020
On Tuesday 24 the ladies played Stableford with Divison 1 won by Lynne Parry with a great score of 41 pts…Runner up went to Kerry Conrad with 38 pts..Division 2 went to Carmel Butcher with 46 pts.. Gale Byers was the runners up with r1 pts..Faye Miller was the DIVISION 3 winner with 41 pts with runners up was won by Wendy Thompson with 38 pts..
Wednesday 24 saw 117 members playing Mens Stroke White with Division 1 going to Colin McNamara with 68..Runners up went to Freddy Barton with 67.. Division 3 went to Philip Cheeswright with 68 followed by John Washbrook with 60.. Division 4 was won by John Pretty with 65.. Runners up went to John Carroll with 72..
Friday 25 saw 9 members with Graham Owen with 40 pts..
Saturday 28 saw 14 ladies playing Par in extreme heat with Lisa Maxwell with 1 up.. t3 Mens Par saw 53 members playing with Dision 1 won by David Wilson with 3 up.Runners up went to
Sean Gledhill with 3 up..Division 2 went to Leon Chteau with 3 up..Runners up went to Loyd Mirtsbin with 1 Division 3 went to Geoffrey Hans -1 Runn ers up went to Alan Michalowsky with 1 up..
Sunday 29th had 2 Person Medley Ambrose Stroke with the wnners going to Sean Gledhill and Carl Deist with 61,75.. Runners up were John Thompson and Oliver Thompson with 64..3rd place went to Lee Melissa and Phil Nunn with 64.5….
Editorial by Jim Williams,,,,,,