3rd July – 8th July 2018
Tuesday 2nd July was Ladies Stroke Monthly Medal & Best Gross Putting that saw Division 1 Gross/Grade and Monthly Medal going to Bobette Wilkinson with 81/70/70..Division 2 Gross went to Wendy Bedford with 102 Grade winner was won by Glennis Pohlner 71 Runner up was Mary McMahon 74 NTP’s went to Margaret Varley 14th, Robyn Conrick 18th, Pro Pin Faye Miller $34, Putting Bobette Wilkinson…
Wednesday 3rd was Mens Stableford from the blue markers with Division 1 going toStephen Piggott with 35 pts on c/back from Neil Bull.. James Wilson was the Division 2 winner with 39 pts on c/back from Chris O’Connell.. Division 3 was won by Alan Michalowsky with 36 pts on c/back from John Carroll.. NTP’s went to Malcolm Hart 2nd, John Harmer 17th, Douglas Beckwith Pro Pin $91.00..
Editorial by Jim Williams…