Month: July 2020

21st – 26th July 2020

Tuesday 21 saw 26 ladies playing Stableford 444 Ball (single) card with Kerry Conrad and Cheryl Hart the winnin pair with 44 pts… In 2nd place was Nola Whiteford and Robyn Conrick with 43 pts.. 3rd place went to Beverley Campbell and Jill Loversidge also with 43  pts… 8 pairs Qualify RSeiter Timber Shield… Wednesday…
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July 29, 2020 0

15th – 19th July 2020

Wednesday 15th saw 104 members playing Stableford with Division 1 won by Malcolm Hart with 41 pts..Brett Milner was runner up with 37 pts.. Division 2 went to John Bradbury who had 35 pts.Runner up was Noddy Ireland with 35 pts..Peter Stokes Snr was the DIVISION 3 winner with 35 pts..Runner up went to Phillip…
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July 22, 2020 0

7th – 12th July 2020

On Tuesday 7th July the Ladies played Stroke  Monthly Medal that saw 46 players attending with Petra Wilmot taking the Monthly Medal with 70..Division 1 Gross and Net went to Petra Wilmot  83/70.. Runner up went to Susan PPapas with 73.. Division 2 Gross went to Janyce Brown with 98/75..Nett winner was Gayle Edwards with…
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July 13, 2020 0

30th June – 5th July

On Tuesday 30th  the Royal Womens Hospital 4ball event sponsored by LUSH  had 15 pairs of Ladies. playing  with the winning pair going to PSmall  and B Muir with 44 pts.Runners up went to P Wilmot  and B Wilkinson with 42 pts.. On Wednesday 01 we had 111 men playing  Stableford on the Presidents course…
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July 7, 2020 0

23rd – 28th June 2020

On 23rd  48 Ladies played Stableford with Division 1 going to Susan Pappas with 37 pts..Runner up was Cheryl Hart also with 37.. Division 2 was won by Libby Quick  who had 37 pts..Runner up went to Jill Collins with 35 pts..Helen Commadeur was the Division3  winner with 37 pts Runner up was Eileen McGinn…
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July 1, 2020 0