11th – 16th August 2020
Tuesday 11 saw the Ladies playing Monthly Medal, Stroke, (Puts, Seiter Shield Final Silver Spoon) with 43 players… Monthly Medal was won by Patricia Small with 74..Division 1 Stroke winner was Maxine Sadler with 81 Gross.. Stroke Net was Grade Winner Maxine Sadler 74.. Division 2 Gross was Carmel Butcher with 102…Division 2 Nett went to Shirley Desailly with 74..
Ladies Gold Winner was Gina Brown with 31 pts..
Wednesday 12 saw 77 members playing Stroke on the white course with Division 1 going to Adam Purtill who had 67,Runner up was Greg Brooks with 69..Terry McMahon was the DIVISION 2 winner with 68. Allan Deluca
also had 68.. Division 3 went to Liam Purtill who had 73..Runner up was won by Lionel Thurtell with 74.. Mens Gold Winner was Walter Atkins with 81..
Saturday 15th saw 32 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Sandra Williams with 38..Runner up was won by Roslyn Seymour with 37. Division 2 went to Robyn Taverna with 36 pts Runner up was Carmel Butcher with 33.. Ladies Gold went to Pauline Gilbee with 31 pts..
55 members played Stableford on the Blue course with Division 1 won by David Purtill with 37 pts..Runner up was Phil Nunn with 36..Division 2 went to Allan Deluca with 38 pts,,Runner up was Steven Molnar 37 pts..Liam Purtill was the Division 3 winner with 40 pts followed by Clinton Lnight with 35..
- On Sunday we had 11 ladies playing Stableford with Lindy Cooper the winner with 38 pts.. Mens White Stableford ( semi Final Singles Knockout) saw 65 members playing with Division 1 won by Adam Purtill with 37 pts Runner up was Brent Huckel with 36 pts..Division 2 went to Brett Shaw with 37 with Mick Keen runner up with 35 pts..Ronald Loversidge was the DIVISION 3 winner with 37 pts.. Graham Owen also had 37 pts….
- Editorial by Jim Williams….