8th – 13th September 2020
Tuesday 08 saw 56 ladies playing Stroke in the Club championships that saw Division 1 going to Maxine Sadler 82 Gross..Net winner was Janie Hills 72..Runner up went to Bobette Wilkinson 73..Division 2 Gross and Nett went to Robyn Conrick 87/67..Runner up was Roslyn Seymour 74.. Division 3 Gross and runner up was won by Shirley Desailly..100/72 Grade winner was Olivia Thompson 72……
Wednesday 09 we had 102 members playing Par with Division 1 going to Phil Nunn with 4 u Runner up went to Adam Purtill with 2 up. Division 2 went to Murray Chapman with 0..Runner up was Paul Aston also with 0..Division 3 was won by Ricky Bourke with 4 up.. Runner up went to Terry McMahon with 1 up..Division 4 went to Ray Hehir with 0..Runner up was Lionel Thurtell with – 1.. Mens Gold was won by Laurence Rickard 2 up..Runner up went to Graeme Sharp – 3..
Saturday and Sunday was the N&V Wilson 27 Hole Foursomes..
Division 1 on saturday was won by Peter Bolt with 71..Runner up went to Doug Pocknee with 73,, Division 2 went to Noddy Ireland with 69..Runner up went to Peter Webb 70.. Division 3 went to Ronald Loversidge with 73..Robert Burns was runner up with 74.. Ladies Stroke winners were Divison 1 Susan Papas 70..Runner up went to Lindy Cooper with 72.Division 2 was won by Roslyn Seymour with 73..Runner up went to Heather Aston 76..
Sunday’s winners of the N & V Wilson Foursomes Champion ships were Gross Winners were Adam and David Purtill with 120.. Gross Runners up were Peter Bolt and Phil Nunn 122 c /b..
Nett winners were Doug Pocknee and Michael Sherlock Nett 106.5
Nett Runners up were Hugo Jankov and Denis Myers 111 c/b….
Editorial by Jim Williams….