14th – 19th January 2020
On 14th Jan 47 Ladies played Monthly Medal Stableford with Megan Carr the Medal winner with 37 pts..Divison 1 was won by Bobette Wilkinson with 33 pts.. Runner up went to Pamela Richardson 33 pts.. Division 2 saw Megan Carr taking the honours with 37 pts..Runner up was Val Watmore with 34 pts.. NTP,s went to Robyn Conrick 14th, Bobette Wilkinson 2nd. Kerri McKenna 8th. Cheryl Hart Pro Pin $47..
On 15th Jan 109 men played Stableford that saw Division 1 going to David Wilson who had 40 pts followed by Lewis Scerri with
39 pts..Jon Winchester was the Division 2 winner with 41 pts followed by John Bradbury with 39 pts..Division 3 went to Bryan McKenna with 43 pts..Runner up went to Chris O’Dwyer with 41 pts..Campbell Lawrence was the DIVISION 4 winner with 38 pts..Desmond Kicks took Runner up with 37..Ntp,s went to Stephen Nonneman 8th,Muray Chapman 14th, Paul Olsen 17th.. Malcolm Hart Pro Pin $113.. Mens Gold went to Graeme Sharp 33 pts followed by Laurence Rickard 30..
Saturday 18th saw 45 Ladies playing Stableford with Bev Richard the DIVISION 1 winner with 36 pts.. Runner up went to Anne Beveridge w 35 pts.. Marian Ayres was the DIVISION 2 winner with 39 pts followed by Mary Murdoch 35 pts ..Ntp,s went to Jill Collins 2nd, Kaye Sutton 14th..
76 Members played on Saturday with Paul Olsen the DIVISION 1 winner with 41 pts..Runner up went to Doug Pocknee 39 pts..Division 2 was won by John Simm with 40 pts.. Peter Auel followed with 37 pts.. Jeffrey Innes was the Di vision3 winner with 33 pts Bill Brady was the Runner up with 31..NTP,s went to Wayne Youlten 2nd, Paul Olsen 14th..
Sunday saw 11 ladies playing Stableford with Shelli Clark the winner with 41 pts..NTP Jo Boake 2nd..
43 men played on Sunday with Division 1 going to Ross Clark with r2 pts. Runner up went to Stephen Naughton 41 pts.. Darren Smith was the DIVISION 2 winner with 42 pts..Graham Owen followed with 41 pts.. NTP,s went to Jason Buchanan 2nd, Paul Olsen 17th.. Mens Gold went to Douglas McClelland with 37 pts. Runner up went to Graeme Sharp 36..
Editorial by Jim Williams,,