14th August – 19th August 2018
Tuesday 14th saw 42 ladies playing Stableford with Division 1 going to Jenni Corcoran with 39 pts on c/back from Lindy Cooper. Division 2 was won by Maree Doyle who had 44 pts followed by Pauline Wilson 42 pts. NTP’s went to Janyce Brown 14th. Rosemary Dell’oro 18th. Lindy Cooper Pro Pin 2C.
On Wednesday 15th we had 78 members playing Stroke off the White Markers with Division 1 going to Alan Dalton with 70 nett followed by Colin McNamara 71. Douglas Beckwith was the Division 2 winner with 72 with runner up going to Ian Vize 73. Division 3 went to William Tendeson who had 72 followed by Ed Brown with 73. NTP’s went to Darren John 10th, Michael Cooper 2nd, Peter Cunningham Pro Pin. Gold Winners were Ronald Eaton 68 followed by Colin Mawdsley 71.
Saturday 18th saw 16 ladies and 38 men playing Stableford with Kerri McKenna taking the ladies win with 37 pts. NTP.s went to Claire Perston 2nd, Cheryl Hart 17th. Men’s Division 1 was won by Darren Mitchell who had 35 pts on count back from Caleb Bovalina. Ross Clark was the Division 2 winner with a great score of 40 pts considering the weather. John Taylor followed with 36. NTP’s went to Dooley Agushi 2nd, Lionel Thurston 17th.
Sunday 19th saw 4 ladies taking part with Pauline Wilson taking the win with 32 pts she also had Ntp on the 2nd. 55 members played that saw Darren John taking the Division 1 win with 39 pts followed by Caleb Bovalina 36. Denis Glanville was the Division 2 winner with 36 pts with r/up going to Philip Chheeswright 35. Division 3 went to Bruce Cavanagh with 34 pts followed by Alan Leggate 33. NTP’s went to Caleb Bovalina 2nd, Ronald Huy 18th. Gold winners were John Washbrook 33 followed by Colin Mawdsley 32.
Editorial by Jim Williams…